One great thing about working with wood is that you can cut it, shape it, glue it and pretty much come up with what ever thickness or shape you need. spend your time noodling out how to make this on the job....shouldn't be too hard to figure out that a 3/4" piece of oak and a 1/4" piece of oak can be glued up to make a 1" piece of oak. however I think the easiest way is to just run your regular 3/4 flooring up to where you were going to in the first place...and then drop in a reducer right on top of the can easily shape the reducer to match up to the height of the can get 5/16" oak reducers and with that you can easily plane it down to match the height...don't put an odd shaped piece of flooring there.....if you ever want to take up the tile'll then have to take out that odd piece of opposed to just taking off the reducer....
edited by dharrison on 6/12/2014
edited by dharrison on 6/12/2014