I Sanded an existing oak floor almost one year ago. It was taken down to bare wood, stained with oil based stain and finished with glitsa poly 500 (3 coats). So one year has gone by and no problems with the floor, but now the home owner calls and says there is a problem. I do a site visit and sure enough the finish is lifting, but only right in the board joints. At first I though I had done something wrong and left contaminates in the cracks, but I do a lot of these oak floors and never have a problem. As the site visit went on I became suspicious about how the homeowner was cleaning the floor because she kept repeating to me how she cleans her floor and how she never uses too much water. Would over cleaning a floor with water cause the finish to come up in the board joints? And if not why would this finish problem occur a full year later. There are no finish issue else where. Just on the seams of the boards where the water would sit ? Any one seen this before?