I have done a space with red oak. ( it it definately is Red oak) . The floor has been stained. There is a large area of tannin pull after using Bona Traffic HD. I need to redo and use a sealer. Anyone used Lock N Seal on ( stained ) red oak and then finished with Bona Traffic HD--if so any problems--
Has anyone used Lock N Seal and had it fail to stop tannin pull--
Bona rep cannot promice that Bona Seal will stop the serious tannin pull, so want to try Lock N Seal--
please excuse my lack of question marks- kepboard is broken
Has anyone used Lock N Seal and had it fail to stop tannin pull--
Bona rep cannot promice that Bona Seal will stop the serious tannin pull, so want to try Lock N Seal--
please excuse my lack of question marks- kepboard is broken