I'd like to first thank everyone on this forum (this thread specifically) for their contributions about using Bona products. My wife and I purchased a mid-century modern home last year and after some remodeling and lots of dust, I used Bona Floor Polish (satin) to revive the look of our dark, hard-wood floor. It worked like a charm. We were amazed at the results. Last week, about 7 months after first applying the floor polish I applied it again. Same prep, same mop, same bottle. However, this time there was a slight white cast to the appearance. I was a little freaked out to say the least. Maybe the applicator was dirty? Nope. The product went bad? Nope. Did I do something wrong? After searching the internet I found this thread. My heart sunk. I started reading things like "DIY doomed, pro's called in to re-sand floor. Oh, no," I thought. After reading and re-reading many of these posts I came to the conclusion (and after carefully reading the spec sheet of Bona Polish Remover) that using the polish remover would drive me to drink. So I opted for a rather passive remedy. After thinking long and hard about my 11th grade Chemistry class and what I could vaguely remember about chemicals and their derivitaves like ethanol, alcohol, and benzene, it occurred to me perhaps friction alone might work. So this morning I found a rental place (not Home Depot) and rented a 17" heavy duty sander/polisher. I didn't use any removers or harsh abrasives to prep. In fact, all I did was vacuum using our Dyson, and lightly mop (water only) and follow around with a towel, wiping away any moisture, making sure the floor was VERY dry. Then I started using the white polishing pad with no real results. So I tried the red 3M pad and that did the trick. I made one pass on the entire floor and then flipped the red pad and did another pass. Then I made a pass on the high traffic areas with the white pad. I would say 95% of the white film is gone, which is all I could have asked for considering the alternatives (if I had used ANY other product) after using the polish. From here on out I won't be using the Bona Polish. Just a drop or two of dishwashing soap every month or so to clean. Lesson learned. And for only $88 (rental and two pads) I'd say I got off easy. It could have been a mess if I hadn't found this forum. Thanks again to all of you!